Thursday, March 5, 2009

My Tooth Troubles

Today I lost half my tooth. Not the whole tooth, just the half. I have no idea how this happened. What I do know is that there is an empty space where half of my tooth should be, and the adult tooth is showing. There is also another half a tooth still there, at the back, not even a tad bit wiggly. I swear, after this, I'm going to need braces.
This half a tooth had been wiggly for sometime now, but I didn't know it was HALF MY BLOODY TOOTH! I thought it was the whole baby tooth, and half #2 was actually an adult tooth growing in behind it. Obviously I was wrong.
I discovered this while brushing my teeth. I had woken up early this morning (so as to have a shower) and I had a good bit of extra time. I decided I'd give my teeth a nice, proper brushing with that cool multi-coloured blue-and-white-ish whitening toothpaste. I was scrubbing away (a bit roughly, but I obviously went over Wiggler cautiously) when I felt something small and hard floating around in the toothpaste. What I thought was: "That's my tooth isn't it. Bollocks."
So, I had to fish THROUGH THE SPIT-AND-TOOTHPASTE-FILLED MOUTH to get my bloody tooth.
My bloody half a tooth.

I need a dentist.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. HAHAHA! OMIGOD! That happened to me once too... it hurt - a lot. Well actually none of my tooth was wiggly, but then I had a little bit of a... let's say, a *conflict* with my brother. A physical one, as you might have gathered. So half my tooth was wiggly, then fell out with the back half still sticking out at some weird, unnatural angle as all of my teeth do. If it's any consolation - if more to myself than any of you - my brother came out with a bloodied nose. :D
