Monday, July 6, 2009

i have a problem

i am currently stuck in a very large pickle. and the pickle has a pickle too. most pickles there's a way out, but not my pickle. my pickle must be pregnant or something, cos i'm stuck in this pickle and really have no way of escaping it's vinegar-y depths. well, there's one way.
to let time heal it.
but then again, as tom felton so wisely stated in a song that basically describes my pickle (not exactly, but to an extent), time isn't healing.
so basically i'm stuck in the bottom of a deep, dark pit filled with pickles and my only comfort is listening to the song time isn't healing and knowing that a bunch of other people are screwed too.
because my pickle is the most cliche, most common pickle of all.
i'm in love with someone who doesn't love me back.
who can't love me.
i'm in love with edmund pevensie.
he's fucking fictional. and he's dead.


  1. i'm in the same pickle, different dead guy. he's walking dead, but dead just the same - which may be even worse. perhaps you can find comfort from that? my pickle is more pickly than yours. unless of course you know how to wake the dead. still, there's the problem that he could, in fact, also be fictional. purely a creation of my imagination. let's have grilled cheese!

  2. I love both the original post and the above comment by Tara.
    You guys are in a pickle.
    But I do have some advice. Remember your FB status update from a few days ago, Cameron...
    "love IS a word to throw around!"
    The good thing about love, the best thing, that it exists regardless of whether or not it is reciprocated. So enjoy it. Embrace it. Throw it around. Dive in to those LOVEly pickles!
    PS---And loving someone fictional or someone dead is the easiest kind of love...they can never break your heart. Not really.
    PPS--please don't use vulgar language. You're too pretty to swear.

  3. oh yeah! grilled cheese!
    the really really awesome thing about that comment is that the link to my blog is
